I have decided to blog for a couple of reasons. First, I have been blessed reading other blogs. They have encouraged me and put a smile on my face. Second, I love the idea of my memories being saved forever on this blog. Often times I rush, rush, rush and don't just take time and remember. Hopefully this blog will help me do that. Lastly, I want this to be a true testament of God's grace. He is changing me and taking me to new places in my life. I am learning to trust Him like never before and find strength in His almighty love that lasts forever.
My husband is my best friend and we have been married for two years. We hope to add to our family very soon. :0) Our dog Mable is a Pomeranian and is more spoiled than either of us like to admit. Our family and friends are a big part of our lives and we love spending time with them. This is my life...