Friday, November 25, 2011


I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Psalms 7:17
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. Oh Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever. Psalms 30:11-12
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever.
Psalms 107: 1
My sweet Mom made Annaleigh her Thanksgiving outfit. She looked absolutely adorable!!! We had a busy day with lots of food and family.
My heart is overflowing with thanks this year. We are blessed beyond what we deserve.
Thank you, Thank you Jesus for loving us like you do.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Two Months

Annaleigh was 2 months on October 31. I cannot believe it!!! She is such a sweet baby and I am so thankful God has given me this special gift. Every time I look at her my heart just melts. Little miss did so good during her photo shoot. She was smiling and cooing the whole time.

  • You are still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but some of them are getting a little short. :0) You are wearing size 1 diapers.
  • You are a tall girl. At your 2 month dr. Appointment you were 23 inches and weighed 10 lbs. and 5 oz. The doctor said you were long and lean and growing right on track.
  • You are still nursing great. You eat about every three hours during the day.
  • At night you go to bed around 10pm. Sometimes you sleep all the way to 6:00 in the morning , but other nights you wake up at about 3:30am for a feeding. You usually just eat and then go right back to sleep.
  • You are smiling alot and just wiggle and smile from head to toe when we talk to you.
  • Your eyes are still dark blue and your hair is getting lighter.
  • You are getting better about car rides. You usually just fall asleep now as opposed to screaming you head off, which makes me so happy. :0)
  • Every morning your Daddy gets you up and changes your diaper and brings you back to our bed to snuggle before you nurse. I want to remember those sweet times forever. You just lay there and talk and smile at us and we are just so thankful for your little life.

First Halloween

Sweet Annaleigh started out the day in her pumpkin outfit. My mom made the cute headband to match her little pumpkin onesie. She looked adorable of course. ;0)

We had trunk or treat at our church. There were ALOT of people there. Last year I was in charge of the whole thing so it was nice just pass out candy this year.

It was very chilly outside so Annaleigh spent most of the night wrapped up with our sweet friend Miss Cathy.

Here she is right after we finally put her costume on at the end of the night. She was a little unhappy. :0) We didn't stay much longer, but at least we got some pictures with her first costume on. She was the cutest Tigger around.